Dreams of Europe and China Children's Art Exhibition came to Chaoyang park again
本网讯(李文化 报道)2018年是中国-欧盟旅游年,今年七月中旬中欧盟双方在北京的高层会见提到,双方欢迎在2018“中国-欧盟旅游年”进一步推动框架下的相关活动,促进旅游合作及双向人文交流。
2018年的“梦想中欧“中国欧盟青少年画展的主题为“发现之旅”, 该主题吸引了众多欧盟国家的青少年参加,保加利亚,拉脱维亚,捷克,匈牙利,西班牙,意大利的孩子展示了他们对中国文化旅游的想象, 中国四川梁山,成都,,北京, 上海,烟台,海南琼中,海南海航,江苏,沈阳, 广州, 河北邯郸,沧州孩子们眼中的欧洲风情等。
2018 is the China-EU tourism year. In the mid-july, during the high-level China-EU meeting in Beijing , it is mentioned that the two sides would like to promotethe related activities under the 2018 " China - EU tourism year",in order to deepen tourism cooperation and the cultural exchange.
The theme of the 2018 Dreams of Europe and China Children's Art Exhibition is " Voyage of Discovery". This theme attracted many children from many European countries to participate in. The little artists from Bulgaria, Latvia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain and Italy showed their imagination of Chinese cultural trip. The Chinese little artists from Sichuan Liangshan, Chengdu, Beijing, Shanghai, Yantai, Hainan qiongzhong, Hainan haihang, Jiangsu, Shenyang, Guangzhou, Hebei Handan, Cangzhou drew the beauty ofEurope.
23th 2018, an exhibition-open-visiting activity was held in Chaoyang park.The exhibition started from early August and is expected to last until 31st August.

主办方,欧盟驻华使团代理大使西班牙驻华大使馆副大使先生对北京电视台记者说“今天在这里展示的画来自欧洲和中国的孩子艺术家们,他们将来就是欧洲中国互通的桥梁。 在未来, 他们会成为艺术和科学创新领域的领袖。“
Sponsor,the charge d’affaires of Europe to China,Spanish deputy ambassador to China speaking to Beijing Television“The paintings displayed here today come from the little artists of Europe and China, who will be the bridge between Europe and China in the future. One day, they will become leaders in the fields of art and scientific innovation.

使馆参展孩子的家长代表,西班牙驻华大使馆副大使歌华麓Jose Luis,在接受北京电视台采访时,“我在这里看到女儿的画被展示,感到到十分自豪。除西班牙,还有拉脱维亚,匈牙利,捷克,意大利,保加利亚的孩子们参加”。
Jose Luis, Spanish deputy ambassador to China who is also the parents' representative, said " I am very proud to see my daughter's painting displayed here. In addition to Spain, Latvian, Hungarian, Czech, Italian and bulgarian children also participated. "

.The wife of the deputy ambassador, cultural counselor Lolia took photos in front of her child's painting.

.(from left to right)Mrs Nagy Lin,the president of “The World and China”magazine,also the organizer of this event;Spanish deputy ambassador to China and his wife,the representative of the sponsor--Bai Shangde;Li yidong, director of the exhibition center of tanggangzi new town, Anshan , Liaoning province;Kristine Liela, the third secretary of the embassy of latvia in China;Giulia Ziggiotti,the general manager of accredited Italian embassy school of Beijing.

.Children are enjoying the paintings
本次是第三次在朝阳公园海洋沙滩节期间举办。 画展自2011年以来, 每年都举办,除北京外, 已在甘肃白银,吉林长春,湖南株洲举办。 今年在继长春,烟台后,这是第三场展示。 下个月还将在长白上,10月在昆明,青岛, 11月在兰州,12月在深圳陆续举办。
This art exhibition is the third times in Chaoyang park ocean beach festival.Since 2011, this art exhibition has be held in Beijing ,Changchun,Zhuzhou .This is the third times after changchuang and Yantai in this year.Next month there will be other shows in Changbaishan and in kunming. In the November,it will be in Lanzhou and Shenzhen in December.